Wireless Sensor Networks are an emerging type of networks and a multi-disciplinary field of research and development. Their distinct characteristic from data networks is that their reasoning of existence is to monitor the physical space and provide access to remote or hostile environments, in a cost-effective manner, without the necessity of any previous infrastructure (e.g. LAN, optical fibres, etc). Representative applications fields are related, but not limited to: environmental and wild-life monitoring, industrial control, smart buildings, smart grid and water management, search and rescue applications, modern telemedicine, etc.  

WSN are therefore a multidisciplinary field that combines signal processing, networking, embedded programming, and data management. CS-541 focuses on the theory, design and development aspects of such networks with the primary objective to provide a spherical introduction to this field, and additionally cover special topics from a signal processing and networking perspective. In a nutshell, CS-541 will cover the following topics:

  • Network standards and connectivity / coverage aspects;
  • Distributed signal processing and machine learning;
  • Programming, simulation and data analysis.


  • Computer Networks (CS-335)
  • Applied Mathematics for Engineers (CS-215)

Practical information:

During the semester you will be assigned 4 homeworks that will combine the theoretical and programming aspects of the material taught. The programming environment will be on MATLAB and C / Java (Contiki / Cooja  Emulator). 

In addition to these homeworks, you will also be assigned on individual or team projects, which will address special topics on WSN (e.g. build a new routing algorithm, perform a set of experimental studies, design etc). For each project a written report will have to be submitted at the end of the semester, describing the objectives, the related bibliography, the methodology adopted, and the results obtained. Prospective students will also have to present their project to the rest of their classmates in a 15-min time slot.


The final grade of the course will be calculated as follows:

  • Homeworks: 40% (Grading scale: 0-10)
  • Projects: 40% (Grading scale: 0-10)
  • Final exam: 20% (Grading scale: 0-10)


